Located in the Pacific Palisades Camp Josepho provides a chance to “Get Away from it All” while being a short drive off Sunset Blvd. Click here to see our full list of training including, NYLT, Woodbadge and Rangemaster.

National Youth Leadership Training
NYLT is the highest level of training that youth can receive in the Scouting Program. Participants will learn how to effectively lead their Troops using the Patrol Method, outdoor skills, and teambuilding exercises. This training is highly recommended for incoming Patrol Leaders and Senior Patrol Leaders, and it is a chance for older Scouts to meet area Scouts from neighboring Troops throughout the Western Los Angeles County Council. Must be at least 13 years old to participate. View more

Wood Badge
Have you ever been on a trip that you didn’t know where you were going? How did you know when you got there? How can you teach the youth in your unit if you don’t know the skills yourself?
Wood Badge is the ultimate personal and professional growth training program offered by the Boy Scouts of America; it is a national course curriculum delivered locally by volunteer staff. View More

Rangemaster Training
Located in the Pacific Palisades Camp Josepho provides a chance to “Get Away from it All” while being a short drive off Sunset Blvd. Click here to see our full list of training including, NYLT, Woodbadge and Rangemaster.
Have you wanted to be able to lead your pack or troop on more shooting activities or outings? Do you like coaching Cub, Scouts, Boy Scouts, or even adult leaders in shooting sports? Then these training opportunities at Camp Josepho are perfect for you! View more